Enthusiasm and Passion has created a massive business family
Domestic Angels is a family run business based from home employing 16 staff and helping countless clients and homes across the Bournemouth and Poole conurbation. This is very much a 21st century phenomena made possible by the accessibility of broadband and the evolution of mobile communications.
‘Family first’ is director Samantha Acton’s motto, it’s just that the staff and clients of Domestic Angels have become her extended family! “This has been an instinctive business attitude for me and is a large part of the business foundations. The result is a strong corporate culture, high staff loyalty and low staff turnover and most importantly enthusiasm and passion from our clients as well as the Angels.” The success of this approach has recently been publicly recognized with Domestic Angels being awarded the status of finalist for Employer of the Year and Winner for Home Based Business 2013 in the Dorset Venus Awards.
Nurturing the next generation is also important. Samantha encourages her son and the children of staff to take an interest in the business and rewards them with an annual party. Her business spirit of caring permeates throughout Domestic Angels creating a massive Domestic Angels family made up of relatives, staff, clients and friends across the conurbation. “As a family business we can take care of each other and enrich each other’s lives this makes all of us proud to be a part of Domestic Angels and corporately gives us a major competitive advantage”