Saturday, 28 March 2020
We’d like to introduce you to Angel Jenna, Mum of 3 and much appreciated Angel to many customers. You can see in this picture that Jenna is wearing a rather special apron, in fact, it is bespoke. Handmade by Jenna’s 12 year old, especially for Mum, how much prouder could a parent be? The apron is a credit to a 12 year old’s talents, a Mum’s great parenting and the family culture at Domestic Angels.
With schools closed, parents have become overnight home school teachers in all subjects for all ages. If that wasn’t challenging enough, they also have to be the fierce protectors of the health and well-being of everyone under their roofs in the face of the COVID-19 virus. Both challenges are more than a step up from the usual homework and loving care. Like parents across the country, our Angels are stepping up to the challenge along with their managers, our franchisees and the team at Head Office. We are very much in this together, we are family. This situation isn’t always fun but when it is, we want to celebrate those moments.
If you share the same values as us and want your help at home to be part of a business family that lives and breathes these values, call 01202267350 or email to book your initial consultation, the first step to meeting your Angel
Thursday, 26 March 2020
Now that we are adjusting to our new reality of staying at home as much as possible, the big challenge for all of us, staff and customers alike, is to maintain our physical, mental and emotional well-being. To help us, we invited Barbara Cox to give us a few pointers. Barbara is a Global Wellness Council Representative and award winning nutritionist so she knows a bit about well-being. We’d like to share some our video with you, our wider community and family. Please watch and share
If you share the same values as us and want your help at home to be part of a business family that lives and breathes these values, call 01202267350 or email to book your initial consultation, the first step to meeting your Angel
Monday, 23 March 2020
Keeping our customers and staff safe is always important here at Domestic Angels. Now more than ever we are reinforcing our normal training and advice through a series of short videos. We’d like to share some of our efforts with you, our wider community and family. Please watch and share.
“A little bit more than handwashing, this video is taking personal hygiene at home just a little bit further to help us all out at these trying times.” Sam Acton, Domestic Angels.
If you share the same values as us and want your help at home to be part of a business family that lives and breathes these values, call 01202267350 or email to book your initial consultation, the first step to meeting your Angel
#NHS #Handwashing #COVID19 #staysafe
“We all know that at this trying time we have to think consciously and wash our hands far more often than perhaps we did before. That’s fine but are we washing our hands thoroughly? We’d like to introduce you to the experts of handwashing, the NHS.” Sam Acton, Domestic Angels
If you share the same values as us and want your help at home to be part of a business family that lives and breathes these values, call 01202267350 or email to book your initial consultation, the first step to meeting your Angel
#NHS #Handwashing #COVID19 #staysafe
Wednesday, 18 March 2020
Mr and Mrs Best found themselves caught out by the impact of the Covid-19 virus as government recommendations stepped up. Mr Best of Westbourne, Poole, had vital doctors and hospital visits scheduled, essential for his health. Unable to drive himself and in need of a supportive arm to move between vehicles and buildings, attempts to secure a taxi or charitable service failed due to high demand leaving both Mr and Mrs Best distressed and desperate.
Their regular home help provider, Domestic Angels, made phone contact to routinely check in and immediately responded to the Bests dilemma by reaching out to their wider Angels family to provide the perfect solution. Mr Best thanked Domestic Angels by saying “you are absolutely marvellous and true Angels in disguise in our time of need and vulnerability, someone answered our prayers and sent Denise, who didn’t just assist getting me there and back but without her help in the doctors sorting out a problem I didn’t understand, I don’t know where I’d be. Your speedy response to my call this morning and quick assistance from your team, got me to the hospital and reassured Molly, my wife, I would be alright. We can’t thank you enough, you are true Angels”
Hazel Burnett, manager of Domestic Angels Bournemouth Central Parks recalls the event “We have been looking after Mr and Mrs Best for a while now and because of the current situation I am contacting my customers more often than usual to check they are ok and reassure them during this challenging time. Yesterday when I called the Bests, I was instantly able to call upon the wider Domestic Angels family to create the right solution. These are not services we are often asked about but are a total joy to provide.”
If you share the same values as us and want your help at home to be part of a business family that lives and breathes these values, call 01202267350 or email to book your initial consultation, the first step to meeting your Angel
Their regular home help provider, Domestic Angels, made phone contact to routinely check in and immediately responded to the Bests dilemma by reaching out to their wider Angels family to provide the perfect solution. Mr Best thanked Domestic Angels by saying “you are absolutely marvellous and true Angels in disguise in our time of need and vulnerability, someone answered our prayers and sent Denise, who didn’t just assist getting me there and back but without her help in the doctors sorting out a problem I didn’t understand, I don’t know where I’d be. Your speedy response to my call this morning and quick assistance from your team, got me to the hospital and reassured Molly, my wife, I would be alright. We can’t thank you enough, you are true Angels”
Hazel Burnett, manager of Domestic Angels Bournemouth Central Parks recalls the event “We have been looking after Mr and Mrs Best for a while now and because of the current situation I am contacting my customers more often than usual to check they are ok and reassure them during this challenging time. Yesterday when I called the Bests, I was instantly able to call upon the wider Domestic Angels family to create the right solution. These are not services we are often asked about but are a total joy to provide.”
If you share the same values as us and want your help at home to be part of a business family that lives and breathes these values, call 01202267350 or email to book your initial consultation, the first step to meeting your Angel
Tuesday, 17 March 2020
Domestic Angels, you and the next few weeks.
There is no avoiding it, we currently live in curious times. We are also all trying to make sense of directives from government and noise from the media, not always easy but I am sure, like us, you are looking to deploy your typically British spirit wherever possible.
You are probably swamped
with ‘virus’ noise and we apologise for adding to this but we would really like
to reassure you and clarify one or two matters.

If you want to discuss
any of the above please contact your manager, we will help in any way that we
can. By working together, we will have a business at the end of this unusual
experience, you will have the service you enjoy, and the Angels will have jobs.
Please take care of yourselves.
Monday, 9 March 2020
The Keane Family story – inviting help into Mum’s home
Customers seek help from Domestic Angels for so very many reasons. Sometimes it is to seek help and support for an elderly relative, someone they care deeply about, this is a situation where the customer looks for the highest level of trust and communication.
Clare Keane found herself in this exact scenario when she googled local cleaners in Bournemouth and discovered Domestic Angels. “I was doing all my mother’s cleaning however working fulltime and running my own home started to become too much. Domestic Angels prevented me from becoming overworked and stressed. Without Hazel and her team life could possibly have been overwhelming.” Organising help in the home for someone else is a responsibility that shouldn’t be underestimated. We asked Clare if she would encourage other families/individuals to invite help into an elderly relatives’ home and why “Yes most definitely and especially Domestic Angels, who are a different cleaning service. I liked how our local manager Hazel described the thought and care that went into finding a suitable person for mum and how they would engage with mum whilst cleaning, listening, chatting.”
Hazel Burnett, local manager of Domestic Angels Bournemouth Central Parks remembers the first time she heard from Clare “I remember the familiar tale of how Clare had already been let down by 3 other companies before finding Domestic Angels. The initial request was for a deep clean to bring the home up to a manageable standard followed by regular visits. This is a classic scenario when relatives become overrun by life when commitments to their own family, own work and the needs of a loved relative. Luckily Clare made the decision to seek help before anyone had a ‘melt-down’ The Keane family made it easy for us to be successful and you cannot underestimate the happiness that everyone involved gets from a valued and successful relationship when helping in a home.”
Finally, Clare would like to say a special thank you to Hazel and the 2 Angels who helped at her Mother’s home, Dawn and Karen
If you share the same values as us and want your help at home to be part of a business family that lives and breathes these values, call 01202267350 or email to book your initial consultation, the first step to meeting your Angel
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