There is no avoiding it,
we currently live in curious times. We are also all trying to make sense of
directives from government and noise from the media, not always easy but I am
sure, like us, you are looking to deploy your typically British spirit wherever
You are probably swamped
with ‘virus’ noise and we apologise for adding to this but we would really like
to reassure you and clarify one or two matters.
best practice has Domestic Angels put into place with their staff? – Angels
have been asked to wash hands on arrival at all properties, to then put on
gloves to be left at or binned (allows for customers preference of
reusable/disposable gloves with reusable being treated at the end of service)
at the property then wash hands before leaving. We recommend you should be
doing the same at home, this may feel odd but necessary
will happen if my Angel falls poorly? - Angels are all following guidelines regarding
self-isolation. If this becomes necessary, your manager will be in contact with
you to make alternative arrangements wherever possible and keep you informed of
how your Angel is doing.
happens if I develop symptoms and need to isolate? – please call your Manager
straight away to suspend services during your period of isolation and to
arrange any delivery/collection services during this time.
Domestic Angels considered to be an essential service? – Yes! We have been
liaising with government agencies regarding continuing our services in the face
of isolation. At this stage we have been reassured that our services, in
particular for elderly and vulnerable folk, will be considered an essential
service and will be allowed to continue on the proviso of hand washing (above)
and self-isolation practices (below). Whilst we will be able to visit our
customers under these conditions, like yourselves, we will not be able to visit
our own relatives or friends. We know some of you are already considering suspending
service to yourself or relatives, please give a thought as to what this
actually will mean at the point that you cannot visit your relative but we
could have done if we are still delivering service. Isolation is a terrible
place of work/office is empty for a few weeks whilst we work from home, can the
Angels give it a really good clean? – Absolutely. Call your manager to put your
office on our centralised ‘to do’ list
If you want to discuss
any of the above please contact your manager, we will help in any way that we
can. By working together, we will have a business at the end of this unusual
experience, you will have the service you enjoy, and the Angels will have jobs.
Please take care of yourselves.
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