Monday, 28 September 2020

Home Help at Domestic Angels

Home Help is a flagship service at Domestic Angels which we are proud to provide. Home help is best described as taking the role of a surrogate relative, a person who visits regularly genuinely caring and thinking for the individual(s) concerned. Home helpers need confidence, communications skills and to be able to work together in a team. The service delivered by Domestic Angels is valued so highly that a competence assessment course has now been introduced awarding successful staff with a badge of confidence to further reassure the clients they visit.

Home help is so very much more than a visit or a domestic clean, it’s about subtle caring proactivity. Checking use by dates on refrigerated foods, taking a shopping delivery, doing the laundry, checking the calendar for birthdays, making a cuppa and, possibly of the greatest importance, having a chat.  Deb Broomfield leads the Christchurch team who have a special commitment to Home Help which is reflected in the feedback they receive and long-term relationships.  Gemma, daughter of a Christchurch client, wrote in to say ‘Thank you for your invaluable service. My Dad loves his Angel visits and keep him going. I honestly think my Dad would be in a worse state if it wasn’t for his Angel. I can’t thank you all enough for helping us. I know we pay for your service, but you really care and that is rare to find sometimes.’ 

Deb Broomfield, who leads the Christchurch team says ‘When I started as a franchisee in 2017, I had a passion to help the elderly as I could see the loneliness that was coming in our aging generation.  I have followed and believed in my passion and strive to make a difference to my elderly clients.  This truly gives me the sense that myself and my team are making a difference to many people’s life’s, which in my eyes makes my business both rewarding and successful.’ 

Staff selected to be assessed as Domestic Angels Home Helpers, understand what it is to be a companion, how to prioritise tasks and how to go the extra mile. They are Angels for a reason and wear their very deserved badge with pride.

If you would like to arrange a Domestic Angels Home Helper to visit you or a relative, call 01202 267350 or today.

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